Parking is limited and can be difficult. Please allow extra time for this, and only park within marked bays. There is also plently of parking off site.
Arrive with enough time to have your swimmer on poolside prior to the start of the lesson.
Cover or remove shoes as you enter the building block and before entering the changing rooms.
Parents and children over 8 years must ONLY use their own gender changing rooms. This means…
STRICTLY NO WOMEN or GIRLS 8 and over are allowed in the boys, and NO MEN or BOYS aged 8 and over are allowed in the girls changing room.
Please report immediately to the Poolside Officer at the desk if you see otherwise.
If you have young children who need to change in the opposite gender’s changing room (i.e girls being helped by dads in the boys changing room), and who find this upsetting, please see the Poolside Officer.
The changing rooms/pool block can be confusing for new swimmers. Please take the time to familiarise yourself and swimmer with it, and agree exactly where you will meet each other after each lesson.
Sensor operated ‘walk through showers’ operate between the changing rooms and poolside. Swimmers walk through these, but parents (not allowed directly on poolside) must go back outside and enter the pool viewing area by the outside pool door. For very young or vulnerable swimmers needing help through showers, speak to the Poolside Officer, who is able to help and also turn the showers off for short periods.
All parents must remain in the railed viewing area throughout the lesson. Shoe covers must be worn here.
If you need to assist a vulnerable or very young swimmer directly on poolside for a short time, you MUST remove ALL footwear. BARE FEET ONLY are allowed directly on the poolside.
Poolside viewing is very limited. We ask only one parent/guardian accompanies swimmers to lessons.
Swimmers must wear a swimming cap of the colour assigned to their class. Caps are available to buy on poolside. They are also available.
Please ensure your swimmer has their hat and ON and goggles adjusted BEFORE the start of the lesson.
A responsible adult MUST stay in the immediate vicinity of the pool block during the lesson, and remains responsible for their swimmer throughout the lesson.
Please do not bring children that are feeling unwell to the pool. If a child has had a vomiting or diarrhoea type bug they must have been completely better for at least 48 hours before joining us in the water.
In the very unusual event a swimmer repeatedly misbehaves they may be ‘sat-out’. In such cases, the parent will be wholely responsible for their swimmer, their behaviour and any incidents arising. In the case of repeated poor behaviour or where behaviour is considered dangerous, a swimmer may be asked to leave the swim school. Refunds will not be given in such a circumstance.
The poolside can get very hot. Bromley High don’t allow open windows or doors as it interferes with the air-conditioning. We suggest light clothing in the warm weather and to perhaps bring a bottle of water.
No food is allowed in the pool block. If you do bring bottled water, you must take empties home.
Do not hesitate to let the Poolside Officer know if you or another person feels unwell or might need medical advice or help. We have a trained First Aider on poolside and well equipped medical box.
Please make yourself familiar with the emergency exits. Any alarms should be taken as ‘the real thing’.
In an emergency evacuation (signalled by a constant alarm), teachers will assist all members to leave by the nearest exit. Do not return to the changing rooms. In such a case, once outside please do not leave the premises until we can account for everyone and their safety.
Remove your shoes as soon as you enter the building, and any jewellery before your lesson.
If you are new, please explore the pool-block with your parents, so you all know your way around. Also agree where you will meet your parents after your lessons.
If you are 8 years or older, you must use your own changing room. If you feel uncomfortable about this, let us or your parents know and we can try and help you. We also know it can be very embarrassing if there are other people are in your changing room who you think shouldn’t be there. Please let someone know if you think someone shouldn’t be there, or of anyone or anything else makes you feel uncomfortable in any way.
No one is aloud to use mobile phones in the changing rooms for any reason.
No eating lunch, sweets or gum anywhere in the building or your lesson.
Use the toilet and wash your hands before your lesson.
Walk carefully and straight through the ‘walk through showers’.
Never run in the pool block, particularly on poolside where it will be very slippery and dangerous.
Put your hat on BEFORE the start of your lesson. If you forget it, you can borrow one from the desk. Please remember to return any borrowed items – when you can collect a sticker for doing so!
Check your goggles are not too tight/loose BEFORE your lesson, and adjust them if you need to. If your goggles always leak, talk to you parents and ask if you can try or borrow some different ones.
Never, EVER get in the water unless your teacher tells you to. Even if you are late joining your lesson, wait for your teacher to see you, and then tell you to get into the water.
If you misbehave, or your behaviour is considered dangerous, you may be asked to ‘sit- out’
If you are a ‘deep-end’ or ‘lengths’ swimmer, be aware diving can hurt and even damage your ears. If your ears hurt when going underwater, stop and tell your teacher/parents about this.
After your lesson go directly to the changing rooms or agreed meeting point with your parent.
Young swimmers, never ever leave the Pool block without your own Grown-up. If you lose your parent, return to the poolside and find a teacher who will help you.
Lane swimmers
Lane swimmers, please pay close attention to the direction you are asked to swim up and down in your lane i.e clockwise or anti-clockwise. If in doubt, do ask.
Try and swim to the sides and not down the middle of the lane.
Never over-take unless you can easily see it is clear ahead especially towards the end of the lane, as you may hit heads with a swimmer coming the other way, or more dangerously, a swimmer who is turning at the end of the lane.
Remember to look behind you when pushing of on back-stroke that their is no one in the way, or coming towards you
Re-booking, Credits and Refunds
• Re-booking information will be emailed to you shortly after each half term to secure places for the following term. Payments not received by the allocated date (normally two weeks before the end of the term) may result in you loosing your place.
In the event a swimmer is unable to attend due to sickness or holiday, I’m afraid we are unable to offer refunds, as your booking holds your place for the full term.
In the case of serious illness, such as hospitalisation, cases will be considered individually. In exceptional circumstance lessons may be carried over to a later date/term.
In the event a session is disrupted or cancelled, Millennium Minnows will endeavour to run an alternative session on another date. Where an alternative session date is offered, no refunds will be given.
Where lessons are cancelled outside the control of Millennium Minnows Swim School, such as adverse weather conditions, power disruption, or similar, credits towards next terms fees MAY be offered at our discretion, but will not an obligation of the Swim School.
Mobile phones and Photograph
By joining us for lessons, you agree to allow photography and video of lessons and children taken Justine Hulf, or those given express permission by her to do so. You may withdraw this consent by emailing us at
No photography, of use of mobile phones to take pictures or video is otherwsie allowed anywhere in the pool block (including changing rooms).
Lost property
We pick up items left on poolside and hold for 2 weeks. But with another swim school in as we leave, we are unable to check changing rooms. The school are also generally un-helpful here with no clear lost property box to search. However, if you loose something of value, do email us.
Child Safeguarding
If you or your child has any concerns regarding the welfare or safeguarding of a swimmer or other young person, please advise Justine Hulf. Any incidents or concerns will be taken seriously and in confidence. Alternatively you can contact SWIMLINE in confidence on 0808 100 4001. Please read our Child Safeguarding Policy for details of how we work to ensure the welfare and safeguarding of all young persons involved with Millennium Minnows.
Data Protection
Your privacy is important to us and we will never release your personal details to any third party for any mailing or marketing purposes. Any details which we collect, hold or use will be done so in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and only for the safe and effective running of a program of swimming lessons. Please read our Privacy Policy for full details of how we use and protect your information, and how you can withdraw consent for us to hold your data.
Other useful information
Please see our website for more advice on goggles, putting hats on, swim badges and much more.