We teach children at all levels, and from about four and a half to 18 years.
Left hats and goggles often find their way into our ‘spares’ bag. Feel free to check this. Other items left on the poolside* will be collected and kept by ourselves for one week. If you have lost something of concern, please get in touch. *We are not allowed to take items from the changing rooms that may have been left by swimmers from other schools or sessions not run by ourselves.
We welcome you to watch any of our sessions without notice at either venue. Please be aware at Warren Road School we are unlikely to be able to speak with you directly during the sessions themselves. To avoid half terms or holiday, please check our term dates first.
Classes work towards the STA International Learn to Swim Programme and Award Scheme, with badges and certificates available towards the end of the summer and autumn terms. At our Bromley High venue these can be bought on poolside for a small cost. At Warren Road, they are given out to all swimmers as part of the term’s fee, and at no additional cost.
Contact us for booking details and availability be emailing Justine at minnowsswimschool@btinternet, or through the Contact page here. If we are unable to offer you a place immediately, we are very happy to add you to our waiting list and will be in touch again shortly.
Swimmers progress at different rates, and more than one awards is often worked on in the same class. Some awards may also take more than a single term to achieve, so very occasionally a swimmer might need more than one term to achieve their next badge. Do please ask us if there is any concern about this.
There is no automatic renewal. Places need to be re-booked in advance each term. Booking details are emailed out shortly after half term break, and then fees need to be paid by the date advised to secure the place for the following term. You don’t need to know the class your swimmer will be in next term to re-book, and new class details will be sent to you before the end of term.
We recommend children should be able to swim for at least of 100m confidently, and in deep water to be considered an able swimmer. This is 4 length of a large pool such as at Bromley High School. To be considered a stronger and safer swimmer, ideally 200 – 600m+. Distances of 100m- 600m+ generally achieved in our level 6-8 classes.
Changing rooms – There are male and female changing rooms at each venue. Parents and children over 8 years must use their own gender changing rooms, i.e. no dads in the girls, no mums in the boys.
Swimwear – Boys are requested to wear close-fitting shorts that finish above the knee. It’s harder and more tiring to swim in long, loose clothing and also difficult for teachers to see correct leg actions. Girls are requested to wear costumes or two-piece swimwear. All jewellery must be removed before lessons.
Hats – All swimmers must wear a swimming hat. At Bromley High School, swimmers are asked to wear the colour assigned to the class level they’re in. These are available to buy on poolside. If you forget a hat you can borrow one. Please ensure hats are on before the start of the lesson, and borrowed ones are returned to us.
Goggles – Most swimmers benefit from a good-quality pair of ‘all in one’ goggles, preferably with un-coloured or pale lenses. Look particularly at the way the eye pieces fit into the nose, and that they are not too wide for the face. Encourage children to wear straps high on their heads (not around the back of the neck), and ensure the eyepieces don’t overlap any part of the swimming hat.
Punctuality and attendance – Please make every effort to arrive at your lesson on time. The first five minutes are often key to the progress made during the lesson. Arriving late also holds up and disrupts the lesson for others. We know it can sometimes be difficult to make a lesson, but regular poor attendance slows progress.
We keep a few spare costumes and trunks, as well as hats, goggles and hairbands on the poolside. If you forget something, just ask.
For keen swimmers in our level 7 and above wanting to consider competitive swimming, we encourage them to get in touch with Chislehurst Millennium Swim Squads (CMSS). Please contact the head coach ‘Kim’ directly through CMSS’s website for more details and mentioning ‘Millennium Minnows’.