Our commitment to Child Safeguarding and Protection
– Millennium Minnows Swim School acknowledges its ‘Duty of Care’ towards all its members and is committed to providing swimming lessons in a safe and secure environment. We aim to meet the highest ethical and legal standards to deliver our principles, which put child safeguarding, welfare and wellbeing at the heart of our swim school.
Our procedures to ensure our Safeguarding commitment
– Persons working with Millennium Minnows Swim School have been carefully vetted, have relevant ASA and/or Sta teaching qualifications and demonstrat- ed a high level of competence for the role they undertake. Teachers show a commitment to on-going training to ensure safe, correct and current prac- tices are maintained. All those working with us uphold the highest personal conduct and standards.
– Persons working with Millennium Minnows Swim school have current Criminal Records Bureau clearance to work with children.
– Persons working with Millennium Minnows Swim School adhere to Swim England Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct, and employ best working practices at all times.
– Persons working with Millennium Minnows Swim School attend Child Protection Workshops, and in doing so recognise both their responsibility to develop awareness of the issues that might cause children harm, and to help recognise and/or preempt possible abuse.
– Millennium Minnows Swim School encourages openness and the to sharing of information around any concerns to do with a child’s welfare, amongst all it’s members.
– Millennium Swim School has appropriate procedures in place to deal with all identified child safeguarding and welfare issues, for which all those working with us are familiar.
– Millennium Swim School will endeavour to assure correct and appropriate procedures for use of the changing rooms, and encourage immediate report- ing of any concerns of misuse.
– For more information about Child safeguarding and how we can all keep children safe, all those working with us are directed to Swim England’s safeguarding document – Wavepower 2016-19. Visit; http://www.swimming.org/swimengland/wavepower-child-safeguarding-for-clubs
What you can do if you have any concerns
– If you or your child has any concerns regarding the welfare of a swimmer or other young person, please advise Justine Hulf. Any incidents or complaints will be taken seriously and in confidence. Thereafter Millennium Minnows Swim School will follow the guidance and procedures stated in Swim England child safeguarding document – Wavepower 2016-2019
– Or you contact SWIMLINE in confidence on 0808 100 4001.
Swimline is a confidential free-phone number provided for anyone involved in aquatics, adults or chil- dren, who believe that the welfare of someone under the age of 18 is at risk. This concern could be neglect, abuse, bullying or fear of someone. When calling Swimline you will get through to an answer phone where you will be asked to leave your name and contact details and if you wish some brief details of your concern. The ASA Safeguarding Team or a Swimline volunteer will call you back, listen to your concerns and agree a way forward.
– Or you contact the NSPCC helpline 0808 800 5000 https://www.nspcc.org.uk
Equality and Diversity
All Teachers and other persons working with Millennium Minnows Swim School will at all times respect the rights of every individual, irrespective of age, developmental stage, ability, gender, race or colour. And as such will endeavour to develop relationships with each individual swimmer based on openness, honesty, mutual trust and respect.
Review of Safeguarding Policy
This policy will be reviewed annually at the start of the academic year, or immediately following any incident.